Building on the Rock

About Portrush Presbyterian

Life on the North Coast is always changing with the seasons, from the busy bustling streets in the summer, to quiet beauty of the beaches in the winter. Throughout all the seasons of the year we exist as a worshipping community of ordinary people whose lives God is working in.

We do not see ourselves as an institution to be maintained, but as a living family of believing people. We are committed to the never-changing truth of the Bible, trying to make it relevant in our lives, our worship, and our community.


What are we about?

We are committed to the study of and practical obedience to the Bible as God’s word for us in every generation. We make serious efforts to care for one another as part of a Christian fellowship using our God-given gifts and abilities. We are attempting to live in our community as servants of Jesus Christ with a desire to share the amazing news that God can be known personally, and that our sins can be forgiven completely.

We extend a genuine welcome to anyone and long to help those searching for answers, and for fellowship. I have been the minister of this church since 1993 and along with my wife Joan am constantly amazed at how God uses such ordinary lives.



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Portrush Presbyterian Church

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